
Supply Chain Solution

Supply chain solution

BrandsMart provides very efficient supply chain management and solutions worldwide directly and also through its associates. Backed by domain experts who knows supply chain management and the challenges you face, our supply chain planning and execution solutions comprise the below pointed key components:

Through innovation, leading-edge technology and supply chain expertise, BrandsMart remains at the forefront of the industry and continues to be the extension for our customers’ critical manufacturing and distribution needs.

Strategic Network Design – Our modeling and optimization tools for determining the most effective number, location, size, and capacity of facilities to meet customer service goals; time-phased tactical planning for determining where and when to make, buy, store, and move product through the network.

Demand Planning – Our forecasting tools, web-based collaboration interface, sales, operations reporting and metrics that help ourselves to predict and shape customer demand with greater accuracy.

Distribution Planning – Inventory analysis and time-variable stock target calculations for ensuring the optimal balance between service levels and inventory investment; synchronized replenishment plans for all network points right back to manufacturing and supplier sources for better visibility.

Manufacturing Planning – Constraint-based advanced planning system for engineering, assembly, and repetitive manufacturing environments; similar tools for process manufacturers.

Production Scheduling – Finite capacity scheduling for engineering, assembly, and repetitive environments, as well as batch-process production facilities.

Transportation and Logistics Planning – Transportation planning, transportation procurement, route planning, transportation management, small parcel shipping, and international trade logistics for global, multi-modal operations.

Warehouse Management System – End-to-end fulfillment and distribution including inventory, labor, and work and task management, as well as cross-docking, value-added services, yard management, multiple inventory ownership and billing/invoicing, and voice-directed distribution.