
Appointment of vendors

Appoinment of vendors

The market in India has also undergone tremendous change ever since the liberalization process was initiated in early 90’s. The boundaries between the domestic and global market have become very thin and transparent. Number of global players, multi-nationals have been entered the Indian market and lot of companies are keen to start their operations in India. BrandsMart is always eager to join hands with new entrants for their market penetration and brand establishment.

1. Pre-Project Activities
Market research
listing out of vendors / manufacturers
Technical / Production capability check
Detailed Project report
Technology Evaluation
Selection of Products
Check & review of Vendor’s factories
Inspection/ Expediting
Price negotiation & Finalization
Sample collection & processing to buyer
Audit conduct
Approval of vendor

2. Project Management services
Processing of buyer’s order requirements
Supervision of Production
Quality assurance & Inspection on process flow
Pre-Delivery inspection
Review of Packaging as per the specs
Ensure the dispatch & on-time shipment to buyer